114 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho apresenta uma revisão teórica dos temas: desenvolvimento e crescimento econômico, sustentável e regional.É primordial o conhecimento teórico sobre tais assuntos, pois somente desta forma os governantes ou gestores públicos e privadospoderão adotar as melhores políticas para alcançar os objetivos traçados para o desenvolvimento e crescimento esperado

    Proposta de sistema de ensino do hiragana : aprendizado autônomo com o uso de livro didático ilustrado e aplicativo

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Design, Habilitação em Programação Visual, 2018.Um dos motivos da língua japonesa ser tão difícil para os ocidentais aprenderem é porque ela possui três grafias. A primeira grafia a ser ensinada aos aprendizes, geralmente, é o hiragana. Após uma introdução inicial por parte do professor, o hiragana pode ser aprendido pelo aluno por meio de exercícios e prática. Porém, são gastas muitas horas dentro de sala de aula para essa atividade, a qual, com o apoio de um bom material didático, poderia ser feita de forma extraclasse e autônoma. No Brasil existem pouquíssimos materiais didáticos relacionados ao ensino do japonês em português. Desta forma, foi desenvolvido um sistema de ensino do hiragana representado em uma estrutura de livro didático e aplicativo para smartphone, que, juntos, proporcionam ao aprendiz iniciante de japonês a possibilidade de ter um estudo autônomo do sistema de escrita hiragana, de seu vocabulário inicial e da fonética dos fonemas japoneses, reduzindo, assim, a demanda desse aprendizado dentro de sala de aula e estimulando a autonomia. O trabalho sugeriu um sistema de ensino, no qual ocorre a combinação entre o essencial do modelo tradicional e as inovações possibilitadas pelas tecnologias, de modo a se utilizar da melhor forma os benefícios das duas abordagens. Além disso, a tecnologia agregou no projeto a possibilidade de influenciar positivamente a motivação dos alunos, propondo um processo de aprendizagem mais condizente com as características da cibercultura.One of the reasons why the Japanese language is so difficult for Westerners to learn is because it has three types of scripts. Hiragana is usually the first Japanese script taught to beginners. After a introductory presentation of the hiragana content by a teacher, the student can keep the learning process of this script through exercises and practice. However, many hours are spent inside the classroom for this activity. The autonomous learning could be facilitated by the use of a didactic material. In Brazil, there are very few didactic materials related to the Japanese language learning in Portuguese. Therefore, a hiragana teaching system represented in a didactic book structure together with an app for smartphone was developed for this study. Together, this learning tools give the beginner the possibility of having an autonomous study of the hiragana writing system, of its initial vocabulary and the phonetics of Japanese phonemes, thus reducing the demand for this learning within the classroom and stimulating autonomy. This study suggests a teaching system that combines the essential of the traditional model and the innovations made possible by the technologies, in order to make the best use of the benefits of the two approaches. In addition, the use of the technology for this study could influence the students’ motivation in a positive way, by proposing a learning process that relates with the characteristics of the cyber culture

    Extension of Quasi-Overlap and Quasi-Grouping Functions Defined on Bounded Lattices Via Retractions

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    In this paper, we propose a method of extending quasi-overlap and grouping functions defined on a sublattice M M of a bounded lattice L L to this lattice considering a more general version of sublattice definition, introduced by Palmeira and Bedregral

    Subarachnoid Blockade For Cesarean Section In A Patient With Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt. Case Report

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    SummaryBackground and objectivesPatients with ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) represent an additional concern when neuroaxis block is indicated, especially in obstetrics. Currently, a consensus on the anesthetic technique of choice in those cases does not exist in the literature. The objective of this report was to describe the case of a cesarean section under subarachnoid blockade in a patient with VPS.Case reportThis is a 28 years old pregnant patient at term, in her second pregnancy, one prior delivery, a cesarean section seven years ago, no history of miscarriages, and pre-natal care without intercurrences, in labor for five hours. The patient evolved with acute fetal distress and an emergency cesarean section was indicated. She had had a VPS for five years due to intracranial hypertension (sic) of unknown etiology. Neurological exam was normal. She underwent subarachnoid block with 15 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine and 80 μg of morphine. The newborn had an Apgar of 8 (in the first minute) and 10 (in the 5th minute). The patient was discharged two days later in excellent clinical condition.ConclusionsThe anesthetic approach of obstetric patients with VPS is complex, and the risk and benefits of anesthetic techniques, as well as the circumstances that led to this indication, should be considered at the time of the indication. Successful of neuroaxis block in patients with neurological diseases has been reported. As for VPS, formal contraindication for neuroaxis block does not exist in the literature. Cases should be individualized. In the present report, due to an obstetric emergency and the neurologic condition of the patient, a decision to use neuroaxis blockade was made. The technique provided adequate management of the airways, good maternal- fetal condition, and postoperative analgesia. The evolution was favorable and the patient did not show any neurologic changes secondary to the technique used

    Physical Activity Levels in Peripheral Artery Disease Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Increases in daily physical activity levels is recommended for patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). However, despite this recommendation, little is known about the physical activity patterns of PAD patients. OBJECTIVE: To describe the physical activity patterns of patients with symptomatic peripheral artery (PAD) disease. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 174 PAD patients with intermittent claudication symptoms. Patients were submitted to clinical, hemodynamic and functional evaluations. Physical activity was objectively measured by an accelerometer, and the time spent in sedentary, low-light, high-light and moderate-vigorous physical activities (MVPA) were obtained. Descriptive analysis was performed to summarize patient data and binary logistic regression was used to test the crude and adjusted associations between adherence to physical activity recommendation and sociodemographic and clinical factors. For all the statistical analyses, significance was accepted at p < 0.05. RESULTS: Patients spent in average of 640 ± 121 min/day, 269 ± 94 min/day, 36 ± 27 min/day and 15 ± 16 min/day in sedentary, low-light, high-light and MVPA, respectively. The prevalence of patients who achieved physical activity recommendations was 3.4%. After adjustment for confounders, a significant inverse association was observed between adherence to physical activity recommendation and age (OR = 0.925; p = 0.004), while time of disease, ankle brachial index and total walking distance were not associated with this adherence criteria (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: The patterns of physical activity of PAD patients are characterized by a large amount of time spent in sedentary behaviors and a low engagement in MVPA. Younger patients, regardless of the clinical and functional factors, were more likely to meet the current physical activity recommendations

    Confiabilidade teste-reteste da baropodometria em indivíduos jovens assintomáticos durante análise semi estática e dinâmica

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    Introduction: Postural control is a multidimensional construct modulated by the integration of sensory information and muscular activity. One of the challenges in clinical practice and scientific research is the postural data collection of objective control data. Thus, baropodometry can be a promising instrument for analysis. Objective: To evaluate the absolute and relative reliability of baropodometry by means of test-retest in young asymptomatic subjects during semi-static and dynamic analysis. Methods: This is a methodological study, approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UFJF (1,803,411). Sample selection was performed by convenience. Healthy individuals aged 18 to 35 years were included in the study without gender restriction. Participants with pain or any clinical signs of overload which led to unfeasible collection were excluded from the analysis. The variables analyzed were contact surface, maximum and mean pressure, index bow, pressure center and pressure areas in the forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot. Results: 33 individuals (total of 66 feet) participated in this study. The mean body mass of the participants was 63.0 ± 9.9kg, height of 163.4 ± 30.1cm, BMI of 23.7 ± 2.8 kg/m2. It was observed that five out of the eight variables evaluated in the semi-static analysis presented high reliability (≥ 0.70). On the other hand, the reproducibility of the measures in the dynamic analysis was low to moderate (≤ 0.69). Conclusion: Baropodometry findings should be interpreted with caution in clinical practice and in scientific research. It is suggested that complementary assessments be made for decision-making assistance.Introdução: O controle postural é um constructo multidimensional modulado pela integração de informações sensoriais e atividade muscular. Um dos desafios na prática clínica e em pesquisas científicas é a obtenção de dados objetivos do controle postural. Baseando-se nessa premissa, a baropodometria pode ser um instrumento promissor para esta análise. Objetivo: Avaliar a confiabilidade absoluta e relativa por meio de teste-reteste da baropodometria em indivíduos jovens assintomáticos durante análise semi estática e dinâmica. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em pesquisa da UFJF (parecer 1.803.411). A seleção da amostra foi por conveniência. Foram incluídos indivíduos hígidos de 18 a 35 anos sem restrição de gênero e excluídos participantes com queixa álgica ou qualquer sinal clínico de sobrecarga que inviabilizasse a coleta. As variáveis analisadas foram superfície de contato, pressão máxima e média, arco index, centro de pressão e as áreas de pressão no antepé, mediopé e retropé. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 33 indivíduos (66 pés). A média de massa corporal dos participantes foi de 63,0 ± 9,9 kg, estatura de 163,4 ± 30,1 cm, IMC de 23,7 ± 2,8 kg/m2 e número do calçado 38,0 ± 2,1. Observamos que das oito variáveis avaliadas na análise semi estática, cinco apresentaram confiabilidade alta (CCI ≥ 0.70). Por outro lado, a reprodutibilidade das medidas na análise dinâmica foi de baixa à moderada (CCI ≤ 0.69). Conclusão: Os achados da baropodometria devem ser interpretados com cautela na prática clínica e em pesquisa científica. Sugere-se que sejam realizadas avaliações complementares para o auxílio de tomada de decisões

    Cementoblastoma affecting the maxilla of a pediatric patient: A case report

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    AbstractCementoblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumor, classified as a rare lesion, of slow growth, with expansion of the cortical bone; it is associated with the root of a tooth with pulp vitality, appearing more commonly in the posterior region of the mandible. In this paper, a rare case report of a surgically treated benign cementoblastoma affecting the maxilla of an 11-year- old patient is presented. Furthermore, the diagnostic methods, the clinical, imaging and histopathological features, and the treatment options are discussed. Finally, correlations are made with findings in the scientific literature
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